Rakesh, D., Whittle, S., Sheridan, M. A., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2023). Childhood socioeconomic status and the pace of structural neurodevelopment: accelerated, delayed, or simply different?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Rakesh, D., Elzeiny, R., Vijayakumar, N., Whittle, S. A longitudinal study of childhood maltreatment, subcortical development and subcortico-cortical structural maturational coupling from early to late adolescence, Psychological Medicine
Rakesh, D., Zalesky, A., Whittle, S. (2022). The role of school environment in brain structure, connectivity, and mental health in children – a multi-modal investigation, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
Under Review
Rakesh, D., Flournoy, J., McLaughlin, K. Socioeconomic status indicators and mental health trajectories during early adolescence
Thomas, M., Rakesh, D., Whittle, S., Upthegrove, R., Sheridan, M., Cropley, V. The neural, stress hormone and inflammatory correlates of childhood deprivation and threat in psychosis: A systematic review, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Pozzi, E., Rakesh, D., Gracia-Tabuenca, Z., Bray, K., Richmond, S., Seal, M., Schwartz, O., Vijayakumar, N., Yap, M., Whittle, S., Maternal neglectful behavior is associated with delayed development of functional connectivity during the transition from late childhood early adolescence, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Jameei, H., Rakesh, D., Zalesky, A., M.J., Reay, W.R., Wray, N., Di Biase, M. Linking MRI brain indices to polygenic risk for schizophrenia: a systematic review, Schizophrenia Bulletin
Rakesh, D., Zalesky, A., Whittle, S. Assessment of Parent Income and Education, Neighborhood Disadvantage, and Child Brain Structure. JAMA Network Open, 5(8), e2226208-e2226208.
Rakesh, D. 1, Whittle, S.1… ENIGMA consortium. The role of educational attainment and brain morphology in major depressive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder consortium, Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Raniti, M., Rakesh, D., Patton, G., Sawyer, S. School connectedness and depression and anxiety during adolescence – a systematic review of prospective studies, BMC Public Health
Whittle, S., Pozzi, E., Rakesh, D., Kim, J. M., Yap, M. B., Schwartz, O. S., … & Vijayakumar, N. (2022). Harsh and inconsistent parental discipline is associated with altered cortical development in children. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
Saragosa-Harris, N., Chaku, N., MacSweeney, N., Williamson, V. G., Scheuplein, M., Feola, B., … Rakesh, D., & Mills, K. L. (2022). A practical guide for researchers and reviewers using the ABCD Study and other large longitudinal datasets. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 101115.
Rakesh, D., Whittle, S., Socioeconomic status and the developing brain – a systematic review of neuroimaging findings in youth. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews [in press]
Rakesh, D., Zalesky, A., Whittle, S., (2021). Similar but distinct–Effects of different socioeconomic indicators on resting state functional connectivity: findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study®. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 101005.
Rakesh, D., Cropley, V., Zalesky, A., Vijayakumar, N., Allen, N. B., & Whittle, S., (2021). Neighborhood disadvantage and longitudinal brain-predicted-age trajectory during adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 101002.
Rakesh, D., Allen, N. B., & Whittle, S., Longitudinal changes in within-salience network functional connectivity mediate the relationship between childhood abuse and neglect, and mental health during adolescence, Psychological Medicine
Rakesh, D., Seguin, C., Zalesky, A., Cropley, V., Whittle, S., ‘Associations between neighborhood disadvantage, resting-state functional connectivity, and behavior in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) StudyⓇ: Moderating role of positive family and school environments’, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
Rakesh, D., Lv, J., Zalesky, A., Allen, N. B., Lubman, D. I., Yücel, M., & Whittle, S. (2021). Altered resting functional connectivity patterns associated with problematic substance use and substance use disorders during adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 279, 599-608.
Rakesh, D., Kelly, C., Vijayakumar, N., Zalesky, A., Allen, N.B., Whittle, S., ‘Unraveling the consequences of childhood maltreatment: deviations from typical functional neurodevelopment mediate the relationship between maltreatment history and depressive symptoms’. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
Rakesh, D. 1, Bastin, C. 1, Harrison, B. J., Davey, C. G., Allen, N. B., Muller, S., & Whittle, S. (2021). Feelings of shame and guilt are associated with distinct neural activation in youth. Biological Psychology, 108025.
Pozzi, E. 1, Vijayakumar, N. 1, Rakesh, D., Whittle, S., ‘Neural correlates of emotion regulation in adolescents and young adults: A meta-analytic study’, Biological Psychiatry
Rakesh, D., Allen, N. B., & Whittle, S. (2020). Balancing act: Neural correlates of affect dysregulation in youth depression and substance use–A systematic review of functional neuroimaging studies. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 100775.
Rakesh, D., Fernando, K. B., & Mansour L, S. (2020). Functional dedifferentiation of the brain during healthy aging. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(4), 1279-1282.
Rakesh, D. 1, Diaz Arteche, C. 1 (2020), ‘Using neuroimaging to predict brain age: insights into typical and atypical development and risk for psychopathology’, Journal of Neurophysiology.
Cabanas, M., Piquemal, M., Pistono, C., Arnaud, S., Rakesh, D., Poinama, E., … & Cho, Y. H. (2020). Correlations Between Mutant Huntingtin Aggregates and Behavioral Changes in R6/1 Mice. Journal of Huntington’s Disease, 1-13.
Cabanas, M., Pistono, C., Puygrenier, L., Rakesh, D., Jeantet, Y., Garret, M., & Cho, Y. H. (2019). Neurophysiological and behavioral effects of anti-orexinergic treatments in a mouse model of huntington’s disease. Neurotherapeutics, 16(3), 784-796.
Recent Updates
December 2022
Awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Research by the University of Melbourne!
September 2022
Awarded the Flux Society’s Trainee Dissertation Award!
August 2022
The last paper from my PhD is finally out!
Assessment of Parent Income and Education, Neighborhood Disadvantage, and Child Brain Structure
November 2021
Awarded the Mendelsohn Neuroscience Thesis Prize by the University of Melbourne
October 2021
Awarded the Student & ECR Excellence Plenary By Biological Psychiatry Australia
August 2021
Lots of things happening at once! I’ve been working on these projects for a while, so it’s great to have these papers out there!
Our review of the SES-brain literature is now out in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews!
“Socioeconomic status and the developing brain – a systematic review of neuroimaging findings in youth”
Two other studies, one on SES and brain-predicted-age, and another on different facets of the socioeconomic context and resting state functional connectivity now both out in an ABCD special issue of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience!*
“Neighborhood disadvantage and longitudinal brain-predicted-age trajectory during adolescence”
“Similar but distinct – Effects of different socioeconomic indicators on resting state functional connectivity: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study®”
And finally, a project on abuse, neglect and resting state functional connectivity development.
“Longitudinal changes in within-salience network functional connectivity mediate the relationship between childhood abuse and neglect, and mental health during adolescence”
April 2021
Article in the conversation on our recent paper on neighborhood disadvantage, functional connectivity, and the role of positive home and school environments! As well as a press-release by BP: CNNI on the same work, and a radio interview Sarah and I did.
Conversation article:
Click here to see the press release
Radio interview:
March 2021
New paper examining the association between disadvantage, resting state functional connectivity, and mental health and cognition now out in BP:CNNI! We also look at the moderating role of positive environmental influences.
“Associations between neighborhood disadvantage, resting-state functional connectivity, and behavior in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) StudyⓇ: Moderating role of positive family and school environments”
Link to the paper:

January 2021
New paper on the neural correlates of guilt and shame in youth now out!
“Feelings of shame and guilt are associated with distinct neural activation in youth”
Link to the paper:

December 2020 🎉🎉🎉
Best Abstract Award at the MHPP annual conference!
Best Oral Presentation Award at the annual Psychiatry Symposium
Super excited to have been awarded the SOBP Predoctoral Travel Fellowship for 2021!! Hopefully I can attend in person.
October 2020
New paper on whole-brain resting functional connectivity in adolescent problematic substance use now out!!
Check out “Altered whole-brain functional connectivity patterns associated with substance use disorders and problematic substance use during adolescence”
Link to the paper:

Oral presentation at BPA 2020
Unraveling the consequences of childhood maltreatment: deviations from typical functional neurodevelopment mediate the relationship between maltreatment history and depressive symptoms 🧠
September 2020
The first empirical manuscript from my PhD just went online in Biological Psychiatry: CNNI! 😊
“Unraveling the Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment: Deviations From Typical Functional Neurodevelopment Mediate the Relationship Between Maltreatment History and Depressive Symptoms”
Link to the paper:

Oral presentation at Flux 2020
Unraveling the consequences of childhood maltreatment: deviations from typical functional neurodevelopment mediate the relationship between maltreatment history and depressive symptoms 🧠
July 2020
A commentary we wrote on a recent paper by Truelove-hill et al. (2020) just got accepted in Journal of Neurophysiology!!
I’ll share the link when it’s available 😊
June 2020
Poster presentation at OHBM 2020
Unraveling the consequences of childhood maltreatment: deviations from typical functional neurodevelopment mediate the relationship between maltreatment history and depressive symptoms 🧠
April 2020
My first first-author manuscript just went online! A systematic review of 98 studies on the neural correlates of affect dysregulation in depression and substance use with Sarah Whittle and Nick Allen! See 🎉🎉🎉

March 2020
A commentary we wrote based on a paper on healthy aging 👴👵🧓 and the loss of functional specialization in the brain 🧠 is now available to read!

February 2020
Received the Graham Burrows Travel Scholarship to attend OHBM 2020! (to be used in 2021 hopefully 🙂)
November 2019
I presented my work on alterations in resting state functional connectivity patterns in adolescence problematic substance at symposia in SMHR 2020 and ACNS 2020!
October 2019
Received the Best Poster Presentation Award at Biological Psychiatry Australia (BPA)!! 😊🎉
August 2019
Received the Best Poster Presentation Award at the Department of Psychiatry Annual Research Symposium!! 😊🎉
May 2019
Received the Nick Christopher Scholarship
November 2018
Received the Rowden White Scholarship
October 2018